This section contains interviews [something to read], videos [something to watch] and podcasts [something to listen to] by Amanda Tapping. 

Because they are external links, every link opens in a new window!

Interviews and artiles with/about  Amanda Tapping:

06/06/2020Why The Stargate Star Stopped Acting
--/10/2018 After Stargate - An Interview With Amanda Tapping
13/04/2018What I learned at the Amanda Tapping convention
10/12/2017What's next for Amanda Tapping
22/06/2015Back to deep space with Dark Matter director Amanda Tapping
12/03/2014Reel people on the set of Continuum
22/01/2013Tapping into grace
07/05/2013Amanda Tapping on coping with miscarriage
Fall/2006Amanda Tapping: My favourite thing to do
23/07/2003Major Changes
17/06/2002I'm Over the Moon at the Life That I Have Right Now."

 Podcasts with Amanda Tapping:


Amanda and Sabrina go to Paris

Amanda Tapping is beloved around the world for iconic roles on Stargate SG-1 and Sanctuary and her ever-growing list of television directing credits (including an impressive run as an executive producer on the cult favourite Freeform series Motherland: Fort Salem); Sabrina Rani Furminger is host of the YVR Screen Scene Podcast. Since Amanda and Sabrina’s first interview together in January 2013 (for a Westender cover story entitled “What’s next for Amanda Tapping?”), the pair have grown to become dear friends. In late November 2022, the pals packed their bags and flew to Paris, where Amanda was scheduled to appear at Paris Manga alongside her former Stargate SG-1 co-star Richard Dean Anderson – and while sipping bubbly beverages at a sidewalk bistro on the eve of the convention, they decided to record an episode of the YVR Screen Scene Podcast. Tune in as Amanda and Sabrina break with the podcast’s usual studio format and discuss their decade of friendship, the last days of Motherland: Fort Salem, Richard Dean Anderson, and what comes next.


Episode 100: Amanda Tapping, Michael Eklund, Nicole Oliver and Sharon Taylor

The YVR Screen Scene Podcast is officially 100 episodes old - and for this epic podcasting milestone, Sabrina Furminger put together an epic group of epic guests for an epic epic episode: Amanda Tapping, Michael Eklund, Nicole Oliver and Sharon Taylor. This notable quartet of # BCFilm icons (and YVR Screen Scene's podcast host Sabrina Furminger) discuss the hunt for magic, the alienation of the West, and the implications of COVID-19 on their mental health and the local film and TV community Television industry ...


Webinar about the work of women in Canadian Film & Movie industrie

Amanda Tapping attended a webinar for Women in Film and Television Canada on July 9, 2020 with Juanita Peters and Brigitte Monneau. took part. They talked about working in the film and television industry during the Covid-19 era. Duration 01:12:29

28/03/2020Interview with Tony Tellado Sci-Fi Talk

Contents include: Stargate - Sanctuary. - Amanda's love of work as a director - her role as a showrunner fundamentally changed her career - about the advances in special effects and film techniques since Stargate and Sanctuary - that she would like to play theater - love her role as Sam Carter (Stargate SG-1) was a pioneer for the modern TV landscape as a strong and equal character. - About the current Corona situation - how she deals with "social distancing".


Interview with Sabrina Furminger via Skype

Synopsis: Director Amanda Tapping (Sanctuary, Stargate SG-1) returns to the YVR Screen Scene Podcast for an open and emotional discussion on how to stay connected and level-headed during social distancing.

05/06/2019AmandaTapping im Interview mit Sabrina Furminger

Synopsis: Amanda Tapping is many things: the Grand Empress of Sci-Fi; an award-winning actress who has built a global following and plays strong women in Stargate SG-1 and Sanctuary; a sought-after director of episodic television (Travelers; The 100; Anne with an E; Continuum); a loving mother; an advocate for women; a damn good friend. On this very special episode of the YVR Screen Scene Podcast, Amanda discusses the many facets of her busy life with host Sabrina Furminger - including the impact that portraying Sam Carter and Helen Magnus had on her self-esteem.

Related to this podcast are the articles "Amanda Tapping - Unstoppable" and "What I Learned at the Amanda Tapping Convention". Both articles can be found below in the next section

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